
  • Issue: June 2003
  • Designers: Zina Roitman, Boaz Maori, Wolf Bulba
  • Stamp Size: 25.7 mm x 34.6 mm
  • Plate no.: 515, 516, 518 (one phosphor bar)
  • Sheet of 25 stamps Tabs: 5
  • Printers: E. Lewin-Epstein Ltd.
  • Method of printing: offset

Greetings are part of our way of life. Phras Thank You, Good Luck Congratulations (Mazal Tov) and With Low create pleasant and positive communication between people. Our capability to express how we feel with a short phrase or wore that "says it all" is a wonderful way tc make our world a better place.

By representing the most used and popular greetings on stamps, the greetings come tc life in a colorful, graphic and sometimes humorous way.

Greetings stamps are suitable for almost any occasion: From Mazal Tov to your boss who gets promotion!

With Love to Mum and Dad just simply because they're wonderful parents. Thank You to your mother-in-law who gave you such a successful partner!
Mazal Tov on the wedding of the "eternal bachelor" who eventually gets married Good Luck to the student preparing foi exams..... and what can be sweeter than Hugs and Kisses on a letter sent from your grandson

Stamps, as small ambassadors travelling all over the world, carry different messages Greetings stamps which spread the message of love, reconciliation and gratitude are E great way to add a little color to the world

Shosh Cohen
Israel Philatelic Service

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Greetings (II)