Huberman 13th Hapoel games 1987

  • Issue: April 1987
  • Designer: G. Almaliah
  • Stamp size: 40 x 25 mm
  • Plate no.: 30
  • Sheet of 15 stamps Tabs: 5
  • Printers: E. Lewin-Epstein Ltd.
  • Method of printing: Photolithography

Israel's main Sports-Event in 1987 will be the 13th Hapoel Games, which will commemorate 64 years of the Hapoel Sports Organisation.

The Hapoel Games take place every 4 years under the patronage of the President of the State of Israel. At the head of the public committee of the Games is Mr. Israel Kessar, M.K., Secretary General of the Histadrut General Federation of Labour.

The Hapoel Games are a national and international event, which has grown and developed greatly since the Games were first held, in 1928. At that time they were more just a meeting of local sports clubs. Sportsmen in various fields of sport met for a few days and held competitions. Then, as the scope of the games grew the character of the events changed accordingly.

Nowadays hundreds of events all over the country are arranged by the largest sports organisation in Israel and national and international contests are held during the Games.

The first Hapoel Games in the State of Israel took place in 1952 when athletes from foreign Workers' Sports Organisations took part for the first time. As the international standing of the Games strengthened, the interest of the local public as well as of those abroad grew considerably.

Since the first time that athletes were invited to "Guest competitions" during the Hapoel Games, these events have become well-known in international sport. The games are listed in most international sports programmes and heads of sports associations attend the Games and thus accord them considerable importance in the world of sport. Many athletes of world renown took part in the 12th Hapoel Games. The fact that they are held one year before the Olympic Games means that participants have a chance to prepare for that supreme sporting event. Hapoel is affiliated to the International Sports Organisation of Workers ICSIT) and some of the more important events at the forthcoming games will be competitions in four branches of sport - Gymnastics, Hand-Ball, Tennis and Basket-Ball.

In addition to the competitive events there will also be some in which a large number of people - younger and older will join, running and marching.

There will also be a special tournament, called "Sportiada", for those organised by their places of work. This will be held in Elat and will include groups from abroad. Various other competitors such as pioneer youth, pupils of small schools, pensioners, etc. will also have their opportunities.

The Hapoel Games will feature more than 20 branches of sport including Gymnastics Swimming, Basket-Ball, Weight-lifting, Wrestling, Judo, Shooting, Archery, Sailing, Tennis, Table-tennis, Fencing, Badminton, Cycling, Riding, Soccer, Football, Chess, Bridge, Volley-Ball & Hand-Ball.

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13th Hapoel games 1987